It’s going to take me a while to decompress from my all too brief visit to the incomparable, heart wrenching, deeply inspiring, and critically important National Museum of African American History and Culture. I raise my hands to my ancestors who endured and overcame so much. I will come back here to take more in, that is certain. In the meantime I bought a few books to help inform my internal and external journeys, and a journal in which to document them.
I just spent 5 days in Virginia where my adoptive father was born and raised – and where he was part of making history as one of the first African American medical students at UVA. He was honored there yesterday. We also spent time explored his home town (Lynchburg) and neighboring towns important to the Womacks with some cousins from that side of the family. I was able to capture some amazing stories and experiences on audio.
So much processing to do. Feeling deeply grateful to be able to do this kind of travel.